Social Media Management
and Marketing Services
Curiousity killed her day job!
Curiousity killed her day job!
Social media relies on the internet, allowing users to distribute content instantly with a stable internet connection.
Karina Botha, the founder of Olive Media in Polokwane (Limpopo), embarked on her entrepreneurial journey after taking a Social Media Marketing course. Her fascination with the world of social media marketing ignited her passion for the field. She resigned her post as Science tutor and assistant manager as things fell into place.
After 7 years Olive Media assisted upcoming businesses, struggling companies and communicates with clients in Polokwane and all over the world.
Starting with curiosity,
Evolving with passion!
Fun Fact!
Karina enjoys training her two staffy girls, adopted a very naughty cat, have plant pets and astonishing crystals and is addicted to Coca-Cola!
Cheers to 7 years!

Happy Clients


Posts Updated

Liters of Coke
What our clients say
Heart Drive project would like to thank Olive media for their outstanding service. Thank you for your outreach and support towards Heart Drive project (NPC). We get excellent, quick and thorough service each and every month. Thank you for being the best!!!

I have had the privilege of being assisted by Olive Media right from the beginning of my business and I have always had only the very best assistance and guidance from them. Karina never ceases to amaze me the way she just bubbles with excitement, energy and enthusiasm in whatever she is about to do. I would really recommend them for any social media assistance that people would need.

Karina is ‘n baie vriendelike toeganklike persoon wat baie professionele dienste lewer.
Sy is altyd op stiptelik met haar posts en gee aandag aan presies wat kliente van haar verlang. My besigheid het definitief gebaat daarby om vir Olive Media te gebruik.
Baie dankie Karina xxx

Thank you for the service. Consistency and professionalism.

Levubu Cottages opened its doors on March 1, 2023 and for a new business to advertise and become known, the owner must work very hard and put effort. Fortunately, I have OLIVE MEDIA to do all this for me - and since we opened, our bookings (occupancy) are already over 60%. I believe, soon we will be able to count on a 100% occupancy. Olive Media goes to great lengths and is credible - guests at Levubu Cottages can believe what Olive Media advertises!

Thank you Olive Media for your fast & excellent service!
You make interaction with clients quick, easy and effective!

We are really grateful and appreciate you, Karina for taking care of our Facebook page. We highly recommend Olive Media.

Very professional service, Karina will always walk the extra mile!
Thank you Olive Media for your continued fast & excellent service!
6 Years later and you will still walk the extra mile for Lucky Paws Rescue!!!

Olive Media has made a huge difference in our business: ZAK9 Academy! We would like to thank you for your awesome service!!! We love the page that you manage and we know our followers do too!

Definitief die beste en vriendelikste bemarking vir jou besigheid. Karina is altyd op "die ball" en probeer altyd net om haar kliente so gelukkig te hou soos sy haar werk doen. Baie happy met Olive Media se dienste

We have been with Olive Media for 5 years now! Wow how time flies and even more so when things get done with love and enthusiasm. We would like to thank you Karina for her dedication, friendly and professional service. Always hands on and always ready to assist. Olive Media will most definitely be the go to for anyone that is looking for social media exposure.

As jy sosiale media blootstelling benodig is Karina van Olive Media die persoon. Wat ek van haar hou, is dat sy professioneel en baie behulpsaam is, presies gee wat haar kliënt van haar wil hê. My besigheid het beslis baat gevind by die gebruik van Olive Media.

The Freshwell team would like to thank Olive Media and more specifically Karina for the positive impact it had on our business over the past 5 years. Karina is always willing to assist with any social media needs and always have a fresh idea for our business marketing strategy. Looking forward to the future and al the new social media ideas! Thank you very much Karina!
